two parts

1. In the event of a product defect, we will repair the product, not return or exchange it. We do not accept returns or exchanges.

A. Repairs at our directly managed stores are sufficient.

We have sent approximately 1,400 items to Japan between January 2021 and the end of 2023. Of these, there were two items with problems with the condition of the products, but these were all minor issues that could be addressed by repairs at our directly managed stores.

in particular

・Zipper puller plating defect
The pull handle had a protective vinyl cover on it, so we sent it without removing it. When the customer removed the cover, the plating came off at the same time, so it was defective. We replaced it with a new pull handle at our store. Since then, we have made it a habit to remove all covers and check them.

・The thread of the patch was not properly secured. When the customer picked up the edge of the patch, the patch came off the fabric. This was also re-sewn at a directly managed store.

Rather than whether repairs are sufficient, the key is actually the customer's feelings. "I bought a new product, so I can't accept having to repair it from the beginning." We can fully understand such feelings.

However, even if you buy directly from a brand store, the situation is the same. "If there is a problem, we can just repair it" is the normal response even at brand stores in Europe.

Our store has the same policy. In reality, there are very few defective products that need to be exchanged. If we ship products stored in our warehouse without inspecting them, it is natural that there will be a certain percentage of damaged products that need to be returned or exchanged.

However, our store only ships products that have passed strict inspection. If there is a defect that requires an exchange, we will definitely find it. We will reject the defect and arrange for a new product.

Therefore, minor defects will be repaired. We have sent out about 1,400 items and there have only been two cases of oversight, so I think it is very rare, but since it is human work, oversights can happen. In that case, the repair will be handled at a directly managed store, and the cost will be borne by our store.

B. If you check the size in advance, there is no need to return or exchange the item.

When we receive inquiries about returns or exchanges, it is almost 100% due to the wrong size. We have sold 1,430 items so far, but we have only received 13 inquiries about returns or exchanges. This is a very small number, about 1%. (As of January 2024)

We know that most of our customers try on the item before they order, so it's not a problem. Or maybe you've already worn the brand and know your size.

Almost all of our customers check their size in advance and place an order only after they are satisfied with it, so we thought it would be ok to make it cheaper and target them as our main target. (There may be some customers to whom this does not apply. We apologize to those customers.)

Trying on is just a little preparation beforehand. Recently, more and more brands are posting size guides on their official websites. Choosing a size has become much easier than before. Even for those who don't know the brand's size, trying on is a very small cost to buy cheaply.

*For returns and exchanges, please see our return policy.


Our store targets customers who choose their size in advance and who are happy to accept minor defects with repairs.

2. Payment method is credit card

B. It is the lowest cost.

Shopify's most basic payment system is credit card.

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are accepted, and the fee is 3.5% + 0.25 euros. Even with overseas remittance fees, it is 5.5% + 0.25 euros. (Shop Pay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay are also available, but these have the same cost as credit cards.)

Convenience store payments, smartphone payments, Rakuten Pay, deferred payment, Amazon Pay, PayPal, carrier payments, etc. will incur high fees. We will address these issues in the future, but for now we would like to reduce costs as much as possible to meet the desire to "buy cheaply at all costs."


Payment methods include the lowest cost credit card (including Shop Pay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay).